Saturday, August 02, 2008

So it's Saturday again, and two weeks and two days from today I will be starting school again after a nice and long summer vacation. This is pretty much the first time that I will be having subjects that I will have chosen myself, which is kind of exciting. Og course, I guess you could say that I chose subjects when choosing what kind of school to go to, and which language I wanted to learn at school, but whatever. Choosing schools is a very "general" choice, and choosing a language isn't that big a choice. So it's the first time that my choice both covers a lot of subjects, and is quite specific.

I've chosen biology, chemistry and physics(all five-hour classes), and though I don't really have space for it in my schedule, I've asked the teacher to squeeze in history and philosophy(another five-hour class), but I won't find out whether he managed that until I start school again. And then there's geography X, which is a three-hour class. (And then of course there's all the boring classes - norwegian, P.E., Christianity, and so on. Although I guess they're not really that boring - but I'm looking forward to all my other classes so much that they pale a bit in comparison).

Because I'm reeeally looking forward to all my new classes - especially biology, chemistry, physics and geography. (which together make up eighteen hours per week - that's a lot to look forward to!) And I'm really happy that I am able to look forward to it - I'm thankful that I like science, because then I can combine something that will almost surely be useful with something I love.