Friday, September 05, 2008

So, dentist today. We did two holes, one with anaesthetics, and the other without. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, which is good. I'll be back there next thursday doing one or two more.

Having anaesthised half of my mouth feels weird, man. Just now I thought I'd try and drink a glass of milk, but only the left side of my mouth felt the cold... It felt like the milk instantly became lukewarm and tasteless when crossing some kind of invisible line inside my mouth. Weirdness.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Went to the dentist today, but turned out I was a week ahead of time; I wasn't supposed to go there until the 11th of September. Luckily, though, the secretary lady asked the dentist if she was free, and it turned out I could just go right in. whee. Or not. turns out I have loads of holes... and at least one that has to be filled. Which kinda sucks. An mom has been pestering me for a month now, telling me to be careful with my teeth, because she's in the middle of renewing all her fillings. So not only do I have to go to the dentist and have her torture my teeth for half an hour - I'll get to do it over again some years later!

Yeah, I might be overreacting to this. But it still sucks. And after hearing that news, I went and got lost on the way home. which did NOT help. And I might just start drilling tomorrow>>

On the fun side, something fun is going to happen on saturday^^ But I can't say what. Because it's a surpise, and I dont want to spoil it. I just hope I can eat normal food by then - I mean, I should be able to, shouldn't I? The aftereffects from filling holes don't last for more than a day, do they?

in other news, I just looked at my previous post now, which is all about wondering about school. Truth is, it's loads and loads of fun, and I should write about it. But I think I'll wait until I'm in a better mood... But yesterday at school I was in this race for kids in Ethiope, but instead of running I hopped on one foot(Though I periodically switched feet). For twenty minutes. Today, walking is pain(And it's a loong way to walk home from the dentist><) But hey, it's kinda good pain.

Yeah, I was goin to say somethin about ballett today too... hmmm. Think I'll save that until next time. Also theater news. I should start writing more often=) This makes me kinda happy... As writing is good^^
