Friday, September 05, 2008

So, dentist today. We did two holes, one with anaesthetics, and the other without. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, which is good. I'll be back there next thursday doing one or two more.

Having anaesthised half of my mouth feels weird, man. Just now I thought I'd try and drink a glass of milk, but only the left side of my mouth felt the cold... It felt like the milk instantly became lukewarm and tasteless when crossing some kind of invisible line inside my mouth. Weirdness.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Went to the dentist today, but turned out I was a week ahead of time; I wasn't supposed to go there until the 11th of September. Luckily, though, the secretary lady asked the dentist if she was free, and it turned out I could just go right in. whee. Or not. turns out I have loads of holes... and at least one that has to be filled. Which kinda sucks. An mom has been pestering me for a month now, telling me to be careful with my teeth, because she's in the middle of renewing all her fillings. So not only do I have to go to the dentist and have her torture my teeth for half an hour - I'll get to do it over again some years later!

Yeah, I might be overreacting to this. But it still sucks. And after hearing that news, I went and got lost on the way home. which did NOT help. And I might just start drilling tomorrow>>

On the fun side, something fun is going to happen on saturday^^ But I can't say what. Because it's a surpise, and I dont want to spoil it. I just hope I can eat normal food by then - I mean, I should be able to, shouldn't I? The aftereffects from filling holes don't last for more than a day, do they?

in other news, I just looked at my previous post now, which is all about wondering about school. Truth is, it's loads and loads of fun, and I should write about it. But I think I'll wait until I'm in a better mood... But yesterday at school I was in this race for kids in Ethiope, but instead of running I hopped on one foot(Though I periodically switched feet). For twenty minutes. Today, walking is pain(And it's a loong way to walk home from the dentist><) But hey, it's kinda good pain.

Yeah, I was goin to say somethin about ballett today too... hmmm. Think I'll save that until next time. Also theater news. I should start writing more often=) This makes me kinda happy... As writing is good^^


Saturday, August 02, 2008

So it's Saturday again, and two weeks and two days from today I will be starting school again after a nice and long summer vacation. This is pretty much the first time that I will be having subjects that I will have chosen myself, which is kind of exciting. Og course, I guess you could say that I chose subjects when choosing what kind of school to go to, and which language I wanted to learn at school, but whatever. Choosing schools is a very "general" choice, and choosing a language isn't that big a choice. So it's the first time that my choice both covers a lot of subjects, and is quite specific.

I've chosen biology, chemistry and physics(all five-hour classes), and though I don't really have space for it in my schedule, I've asked the teacher to squeeze in history and philosophy(another five-hour class), but I won't find out whether he managed that until I start school again. And then there's geography X, which is a three-hour class. (And then of course there's all the boring classes - norwegian, P.E., Christianity, and so on. Although I guess they're not really that boring - but I'm looking forward to all my other classes so much that they pale a bit in comparison).

Because I'm reeeally looking forward to all my new classes - especially biology, chemistry, physics and geography. (which together make up eighteen hours per week - that's a lot to look forward to!) And I'm really happy that I am able to look forward to it - I'm thankful that I like science, because then I can combine something that will almost surely be useful with something I love.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hooookay. So the last post sucked, kinda. At least in my opinion. Lucky I haven't spread this site to all my friends then, eh? so this is kinda just a post to move the last post away from the front page of my blog. if you haven't read the previous post, Do Not go back and read it, because it sucks. kinda. =p In other news, if all my posts turn out to be either as inane as this one or as weird as the previous one, I think I'll never reveal this - and just keep it as an anonymous blog, as an outlet for my feelings. Which would mean I don't really want anyone to read this. Which kiiinda defeats the point on publishing it on the 'net.

Well. you know what they said about the two wells - Well well^^

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Inspiration has struck me, in the form of a question. What is it to love somebody?
I think that a lot of my friends my age would use the meaning of love commonly used between two people. When two people love each other, they know each other in a very special way, and they know each others faults and talents, and they still love each other deeply. This kind of love is the kind of love that we (should) find in marriages. A strong bond between two people, reserved for those two only. You may like many people, but you only love one. So we should be careful when we use the word love, because it is very significant.

Yes, of course we sholud be careful when using the word love. Especially about other people (I'm not talking about loving ice cream og pets or anything like that here. What I am thinking about here is love between human beings.) But I think we should be careful not only because it is so significant, but also because it can mean so much, even when we look away from loves not between humans. For example, God has told us to love each other. He has told you and I are to love everybody on earth. He can't have meant that we are all to marry each other. There are several people that I would like to say I love, even though I have no marital intentions at all. Can I not still love them?

What does this mean? Perhaps there are (at least) two types of loves between humans. A romantc love, and a non-romantic love. The romantic love reserved for one onle, the other love one that can be freely given to everybody around you. Perhaps I can still love my neighbour, though I am married to my husband.

The strange part about this is that as I write the conclusion, this all seems painfully obvious to me. But while I thought about it beforehand, and while I drafted this, it seemed impossible to quite understand. Now that I'm finished writing though, it's as if I've bee writing a dissertation on why atom bombs are bad. D'oh.
Perhaps getting it down on (virtual) paper cleared up the mess in my head. Perhaps not, I don't know. But at least if I post this now I won't forget it...

Hello, World!

Now that I've gone and gotten myself a blog, I might as well write something here. Getting a blog and not writing anything would be even more pointless than just getting a blog, even a blog I don't plan to have people read.

Because I don't really have a goal with this blog. I guess it's just my creative side nagging at me for not doing anything fun lately... I'm not writing this with a specific audience in my mind, yet I still want to publish it on the net(for some or other reason) So I guess I'll just write whatever pops into my mind here for a while, and see if it's any fun!